How To Copy Protect Flash & Video Displayed Online
Preventing pirates from stealing your livelihood has never
been easy, especially when there are so many helper applications
available for doing just that. The biggest markets for Internet
sales are catering for monkey-brains and the people catering for
those markets will stop at nothing to profit. Laws and ethics
are no protection and most solutions for protecting online media
can be exploited, especially when web browser makers are more
interested in winning a popularity contest judged by a public
who wants the right to pirate.
Flash has become a most popular medium and while sensible web
developers used to refrain from using Flash due to the large
file sizes and the fact that most people didn't have the plugin,
today through the promotion of free video services like YouTube,
the world has been become Flash mad. Why anyone would want to
upload a properly made ASF or WMV video to have it converted to
Flash at 5 times the original file size is baffling, but the
craze is here to stay and there are more and more tools becoming
available for making and editing Flash. So too are the tools for
pirating Flash becoming more numerous and also more clever.
Protecting Flash with encryption and domain lock
Some software has been available for encrypting
(obfuscating) Flash and applying a domain lock. Unfortunately
the Flash media is prone to exploitation and because any
encryption/decryption routines require that the key be inside the
file, these processes have not been secure. To make things
worse, after going to all that trouble the Flash can be easily
screen recorded or screen captured by a number of tools, many of
which can be used for free.
Protecting Flash from Printscreen
Flash used to include functions for preventing Printscreen but
that option was soon removed when it was realised that it only
worked in Internet Explorer which these days is only used on
Windows computers. Some software developers still use similar
functions claiming that their software provides Printscreen
protection when in actual fact they are merely preying on
newbies who don't realise that people use many different types
of web browser, and not just IE.
Protecting Flash from screen capture and recording
However there is software for preventing Printscreen and screen
capture, and it can be applied to any web page. It is known as
CopySafe Web and it has been around since 1999. But how it is
applied can govern how secure the content can be. CopySafe Web
was originally designed for displaying encrypted images and
protecting them from all copy and and save. But the process of
using a small encrypted image on any web page to invoke the copy
protection provided by its web plugin enables one to easily add
copy protection to any page, preventing the copy and screen
capture of anything displayed on that page... including Flash
To properly secure Flash with CopySafe Web the Flash media
should be streamed from a media server and not delivered from a
static file. Also, care needs to paid to ensure that site
spiders and grabbers cannot simply explore the hyperlinks in
your web site to build a list of links to your media. For
example, if you want to copy protect web pages and their
content, forget about those pages being searchable by search
Protecting Flash from all hacks and exploits!
Now if you want to protect your Flash media without any risk
of your content ever being exploited, you can use the
ArtistScope Site
Protection System (ASPS). ASPS streams encrypted content
from the web site to a special web browser that has been
specially designed to copy protect web media and not expose it
like all of the other web browsers do.
Protecting ASF, AVI, MP4, MPEG & WMV
ArtistScope Site
Protection System (ASPS) is the most secure solution for all
media displayed from web pages. Select pages or an entire web
site can be protected without any modification or encryption of
content. It's as simple as adding a couple of lines of html to
the head tags of any page to be protected.
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