Specially developed to the stringent requirements of
professional artists and financial institutions
since 1998,
CopySafe Web remains as the most secure image protection
solution available today
for the copy protection of anything that can be displayed on a web page.
- Copy protect images and web pages
- Copy protect financial reports and
corporate data
- Copy protect Flash animations and photo
- Copy protect your intellectual property and livelihood
- Copy protect all content delivered on the fly
- Copy
protect from all avenues of copy
- Copy protect from Printscreen and screen capture
Image encryption
Stop image theft from all avenues. CopySafe Web is the only
solution possible for
displaying an encrypted image on a web page that will protected after download to your visitor's computer.
CopySafe Web images use Domain Lock to ensure that they can
only be viewed from your web site. Your images are encrypted using an algorithm of your
domain name to ensure that they are locked to your web
site. CopySafe Web encrypted images on the server are
protected from distribution by your staff including your webmaster.
Protect HTML and page scripts
By displaying a small CopySafe Web encrypted image on any web
page, you can make any page capture safe including its contents
such as embedded objects, html and scripts. Prevent image
piracy and plagiarism by adding a few lines of code to your
Producing protected content
CopySafe Web can be employed in any existing web solution. It can be delivered on the fly using ASP, CFM, CGI, PHP, etc and
in any environment including Microsoft Sharepoint and others.
Perfect for online surveys, shopping carts, e-commerce and
Database integration
CopySafe Web is specially optimised for database delivery
(delivering images on the fly). When loading applets on the
fly you usually need more parameters than just the image name,
making database input cumbersome. Ordinarily you at least need
image name, width and height as the bare essentials. However
CopySafe Web renames the images to include the applet's width
and height . It also includes the encryption class, enabling
you to mix Secure Image encrypted files with CopySafe Web
encrypted images in the same folder.
Access control options
Different levels of copy protection can be assigned to
individual pages for enable/disable menus, keyboard, capture
and more.
With CopySafe Web your web page designer can nominate to allow/disallow
access according to platform/browser type and apply different
levels of security to individual or all web pages for the
allow/disallow use of print, keyboard, menu and toolbar
Digital Rights Management
The CopySafe Web fully supports Digital Rights
Management (DRM) for the total control of access rights and
permissions to web pages published via
the ArtistScope
Digital Rights Management solution.
More information
CopySafe Web Demos
- online demos displaying a variety of content and media
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