How To Copy Protect Email & Web Messages
Messages sent and received using most mail clients like
Outlook and Eudora were never designed to be secure. They have
been designed for easy access by all sorts of readers and
include special tracking codes that tie senders, recipients and
their routes together. These tracking codes are utilized by
services to trace messages between targets, and also enable
authorities to identify messages for closer scrutiny.
In this day and age national security services realize the need
to screen messages for terrorist tip-offs. They may also be
looking for illegal activity and screening all mail for related
vernacular. While such espionage has always been going on,
recently many countries have been passing legislature approving
the use of "net snooping" to cover themselves.
Not only does one have to worry about "big brother" but they
also need to be aware that industrial espionage has never been
easier since everyone has been using the Internet for
communication. Messages sent between email client and server may
be encrypted but they are not secure because the key for
decryption travels with the message. And then on each end of a
chain is a copy of the message that even when deleted still
remains as evidence on the hard drives.
CopySafe Mail
prevents all such access to your messages.
How is CopySafe Mail more secure? With
CopySafe Mail messages and their attachments can be only be
viewed while they are active, and only while using the
ASPS Web Reader.
At the end of a session and/or after deletion, messages cannot
be retrieved from either the server or your computer and there
is no evidence trail, not even in cache. Nor can messages be
retrieved by intercepting them in transit because they are
protected by proprietary encryption that is unknown to all
spies. Attachments such as images, documents and video can only
be viewed while reading the message that contains them. Such
attachments cannot be saved, printed, copied or forwarded onto
other people.
What options are available to the sender
of a message? A
CopySafe Mail sender can assign preferences that will apply to all
recipients of that message. The following options can be varied
by clicking a checkbox:
Insist that the
message can only
be viewed while
using the ASPS
Web Reader
Insist that the
message be
viewed from the
registered to
the recipient's
Insist that
access to view a
message is only
given to real
computers (not a
Prevent printing
Request that the
server delete
the message
after it has
been read
Request that a
receipt be sent
by email when
the recipient
views the
Set priority as
Set an expiry
date after which
the message
cannot be
What options are available to the
recipient of a message?
CopySafe Mail recipients can only read a message, and reply if so desired.
What they see is "for their eyes only" with no opportunity to
undermine the confidentiality of a message other than by mouth.
How are messages for my eyes only?
CopySafe Mail messages sent to your account are not only protected by username
and password, but they may also be protected by machine locking
(DRM) which is an option available to the sender. If the sender
requires DRM then a recipient can only open the message from the
computer that has been assigned to and validated against their
CopySafe Mail account.
What if some one knows my password?
When DRM is applied to a
CopySafe Mail message, the recipient will needs than
the username and password because they also need to use the
computer registered for the account, and while they may be able
to access your details and change passwords, they cannot change
the computer identity assigned to your account. The only person
who can change your computer identity is you, the person who
originally assigned a secret question and answer for the
challenge response that is required for such a change.
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