ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS)
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) is built upon the most secure solutions available for DRM and
copy protection of web page media:
- Protected from all copy and save techniques (copy protection)
- Restricted by user access privileges (DRM)
- Restricted to network or member only access
- Protected from all other web browsers and site grabbers
ASPS can provide the most secure copy protection imaginable, securing all media,
data and links that are displayed on your web pages.
Why use the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS)?
Today we have numerous brands of free web browsers all designed with the same
goal in mind... to win a popularity contest. To enhance the popularity of
those browsers, their makers are continually adding options to enable their
users to easily find and copy any type of media which poses a big problem for
the owners and authors of copyrighted or commercial content.
Webmasters wanting to protect web content can apply copy protection
to their web pages using any or all existing means, but while at the mercy of
"popular" web browsers and their ever changing security policies, it is
impossible to maintain a perpetually secure viewing state.
That is until the advent of the ArtistScope Web Reader.
ArtistScope Web Reader overcomes these problems because it is especially structured
to enhance the security of web content rather than expose it.
How ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) works
When your visitor loads your landing page, it can be launched in the
ArtistScope Web Reader
automatically and they can explore your protected pages until arriving at a link
to an unprotected page, in which case the unprotected page will open in their
default web browser.

Under no circumstances can a normal web browser display a protected web page,
ensuring that your html, source code, images and any other media embedded on the
page such as Flash or video files are protected from all avenues of copying.
ArtisBrowser Integrity
ArtistBrowser is able to explore your web site and media just like any other
web browser, except that it's for view only because nothing retrieved by the web
reader can be copied or saved in any way, unless you specifically allow it.
With ArtisBrowser your web security is no longer dependent on third party
plugins and applications; nor is it dependent on limitations imposed by changes
to system security policy because the components
that provide the copy and access protection are an integral component of
ArtisBrowser. So if ArtisBrowser is hampered in any way,
then it will not run and the web content will not be decrypted, thus remaining
most secure.
ArtisBrowser Internet Performance
Of all the web browsers available today, they all have one thing in common and
that is "false advertising", otherwise how can they all be superior in performance and security? Some do actually
aim for faster downloads but apart from DNS caching, there is not much that can
be done for speed without sacrificing security checks.
Otherwise users will find that ArtistScope Web Reader is comparable to every other web
browser in technology, performance and media support, except for one thing...
that protected pages are decrypted before being displayed.
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) Security Options
ASPS protection can be applied site wide, applied to specific folders
or applied to individual web pages only, and each page can vary the extent of
protection applied. For example you can allow a visitor to print a receipt but not
copy it, or to save selected files to disk but not copy the page.
- Allow/disallow screen capture
- Allow/disallow keyboard for web forms
- Allow/disallow printing and number of times printed
- Allow/disallow remote viewing
The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) checks two entry points for security policy. The first
reference point checked is against the webmaster's defined security policy which
may include DRM privileges (user access rights) or it may only apply an access
policy according to IP ranges and networks. Access policies at the server end
may apply to all documents or defined to affect specific folders and/or
documents. The second policy check is while downloading the web page, where
ArtisBrowser checks for special tags in the head of the file.
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) & Copy Protection
ArtisBrowser uses the renown CopySafe
copy protection technology to prevent all copy including screen shots and
screen recordings by all third party software. Unlike CopySafe Web where users
need to download a plugin suitable for their particular web browser,
ArtisBrowser includes the CopySafe Service as an integral component that cannot
be thwarted nor disabled without preventing access to the web page.
Whether you intend to add copy protection to new or existing web pages, all
you need to do is provide a link to the web page, then as it loads in
ArtisReader it will automatically be copy protected. No special treatment is
required of the page, however you may want to moderate the level of security
employed, in which case all you have to do then is to add a new meta tag in
between the page's head tags, or alternatively, set a policy in your DRM control
panel.ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) & DRM Protection
Your web site can be managed with DRM for total control over who has access to
your pages and how:
- Control which users or groups can view
a document or web page
- Assign expiration on a document or web
page validated by time server
- Limit the number of views of
a document or web page by a user
- Limit the number of prints of
a document or web page per user
- Protect access to documents or web page by IP number or network
- Manage document and user
subscriptions with immediate effect over changes
With DRM applied to your web page, you can send a link to an
associate and not have to worry about that link being forwarded on, accessed
from a mail service or obtained by spybots. Sure they may get the link, but they
won't be able to use it.ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) Protecting ALL Web Content
A lot of different types of media can be displayed on a web page, and there are
a lot of different applications available for copy protecting those different
media. Why one application cannot protect them all is due to the nature of
generic web browsers and the doors that they leave open. One of the biggest
problems affecting all copy protection solutions is the browser cache, and while
it's possible to protect Flash SWF files for example, a user can retrieve the
file from cache and even if it's encrypted and domain locked, it can be hacked
too easily because Flash is made for all platforms and it was never intended to
be secure.
But with the ArtisBrowser you don't have to encrypt or domain lock any files
because they cannot be saved or retrieved. They cannot be copied or located and
there is no cache to worry about.
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) Preventing Data Leakage
"Data leakage" is the unauthorized transfer of information from a computer or
data resource to entities outside the intended realm. The common causes for data
leakage are mostly related to betrayal of trust and lack of security
precautions. With most data stored in a database of some type, user access and
read privileges can be too generous, and while most believe that if web pages
not accessible from the web by a direct link are safe from the public, then they
need to think again because if you are using a normal web browser then your
usage is being monitored and leaked to not only national security organizations,
but also to your browser maker and search engine staff, all of which are looking
for inside information to float their next investment.
For example, you do not have to submit a web site to search engines like Google,
and the page does not have to be linked from the web for them to find it... and
that's because they log every link that you use, and will spider it within a few
minutes. So don't be surprised if you find a private collection of links in web
search results.
How to prevent such spying is simple... only the ArtisBrowser can read the protected
web page.
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) Requirements
The first requirement is that you have a web site that uses a domain name or
domain alias, otherwise your copy protected web pages can be hosted anywhere,
and can use any web language at your disposal. It doesn't matter if your pages
are delivered on the fly using SharePoint, ASP, PHP or any other server
language. They can even be normal static html.
The second requirement is that you have Administrator permissions on the server,
or a congenial web host, to install and register plugins on the server.
Otherwise ArtistScope can recommend web hosts that already ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) installed and available with web hosting plans.
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) & Hyperlinks
If ArtisBrowser is installed and someone sends you a link to an
ASPS web page, then it will automatically open in ArtisBrowser. Likewise, if while
using ArtisBrowser you click a link to a page that is not protected by
ArtisBrowser then the page will open in your default web browser.
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) & Third Party Web Solutions
Regardless of what software or programming language is used on
your web site, whether it be for shopping carts, copy protection, page
encryption or survey presentation, ArtisBrowser will be compatible. If your
web pages can be viewed in any web browser, the they will surely be viewable in
ArtistScope Web Reader Branding
Both the reader and its installer can be branded with the licensee's company
name, trademark and logo.
ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) Licensing
The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) is
licensed per web site